Professional Supervision

Professional Supervision or Clinical Supervision as it has been named historically promotes the concept of a formal, protected time and ‘space’ for nurses to safely reflect on their practice with an experienced clinician/supervisor. Practice issues and their contexts can be brought to ‘supervision’ for open discussion and exploration. The expected result is personal and professional growth that positively impacts on practice.

Personally, I see supervision as one of the most powerful processes a nurse can engage in. Taking time out to discuss one’s practice, be open about one’s fears, and to honestly look at both one’s weaknesses and strengths, can be one of the fastest ways to grow personally and professionally. I think it takes ‘guts’ to look at your practice through this lens. I don’t see supervision as a bit of a chat between professionals, or just reflection on what has happened. I see it to be an explorative, creative process where the supervisor and supervisee notice trends, grooves and patterns of behaviour, and together co-create new ways of responding to clinical setting challenges. I see supervision as an exciting and liberating way to learn and develop, rather than just learning ad hoc from experiences. It’s guided, it’s deep, it’s challenging, it’s affirming, it’s stretching forward into who we can become.

Hence within the supervision process, I provide:

  • An emotionally safe environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Celebration of ‘good’ practice
  • Guided reflection on practice
  • Discussion surrounding ethical dilemmas
  • Debriefing mechanisms to off-load stress
  • Exploration of useful strategies to improve practice
  • Problem solving strategies
  • Decision-making processes
  • Conflict management/resolution techniques
  • Promotion of self-care
  • Career development
  • Coaching to ‘stretch’ towards full potential
  • Wellbeing and Mental Health support
  • Work/Life balance concerns
Esther sitting with a client

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“Esther’s genuine warmth as a person, alongside her professional expertise provide a safe space for me to explore, advance, celebrate my nursing practice and my well-being. Esther naturally shares an understanding in all things in Nursing; our psyche, our language and stories, nursing competencies and professional development. I wholeheartedly recommend Esther to you!”

Anon, 2021
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